The Story


At Flugzeugmö, we use our enthusiasm for aviation and create a special form of modern interior design in a creative and unconventional way. We focus on the upcycling of decommissioned aircraft, whereby we critically examine which components meet both our own and the quality requirements of our customers when selecting the parts: For example, we produce unusual pieces of design furniture from different parts of the aircraft, which not only have a special story but, with their extraordinary charm, they are also able to set special accents in our customers homes.




 [Dismantling of an A340-600]


Our enthusiasm for technology and aviation not only provides technical understanding with an eye for the detail of processed materials, but also a love for the aircraft used. Even though we have turned our hobby into a profession, it is always difficult for us to let go of special parts. But we know that they are in good hands and we are happy about every piece of aircraft that finds a new home. At this point we would also like to thank our customers, who are just as passionate and enthusiastic as we are and without whom we would not have the opportunity to deal with something as beautiful as giving old aircraft parts a second life. Two things are of particular importance to us: In case of our furniture, we pay attention so that the original character of the aircraft part is retained. On the other hand, we would never work on an aircraft part that is still suitable for flight and could continue to be used in aviation without our assistance. That's what we promise as pilots.

Since we have been building aircraft furniture since November 2013, we have extensive contacts in the aircraft industry. We are happy to look and find special items for you and furthermore create an object for your very personal and indiviual needs, while maintaining a close dialogue to you throughout the whole process - Just contact us!



[Julian & Marius (private- & commercial pilot)] 


Our unique designs do not just appeal to aircraft enthusiasts: Something that all our customers have in common is a strong awareness for exceptional design pieces. Our furniture is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also extremely durable, because we only use original aircraft parts which are made from high-quality aviation materials. All pieces have a moving story and often a lot of patina from their time in the air. How much of this patina (for example, in the form of original paint) is preserved and remains visible, decides the customer.


[Dismantling an Antonov AN-2 at Fertöszentmiklós, Hungary] 


We feel an extreme amount of satisfaction to give an old aircraft a "second life". We also take on great physical to chose and dismantle aircraft ourself to ensure the quality of parts used in our workshop..
Our aim is to only use parts of machines that have been decommissioned and are no longer fit to fly. In our opinion, everything that is still fit to fly should stay in the air as long as possible
We also never use material from aircraft accidents, especially when people have been harmed.



[Attachment of a nameplate]


All our objects are provided with a nameplate, which informs the customer about all important information about the component used.



 [Behind the scenes]
